Video: What are microBlox Analog I/O Signal Conditioners? | Acromag

In What are microBlox® Analog I/O Signal Conditioners, AcroMaggie explains how Acromag's microBlox® uB Series I/O modules offer a compact, high-performance solution for interfacing sensors and field devices with data acquisition systems. uB signal conditioning modules are ideal to isolate, filter, convert and amplify a wide variety of signal types for test, measurement and control systems. Just plug uB modules into 4, 8, or 16-channel backpanels in any mix for a high-density analog I/O interface. Channel-to-channel isolation provides optimal noise and surge protection from ground loops, spikes, and high common mode voltages. Acromag’s Agility Mobile App allows for wireless data-logging and configuration with our Bluetooth® technology enabled microBlox® uB Modules, allowing you to perform quick and easy field diagnostics and troubleshooting. Learn more here: Learn more about the microBlox® multiLogger in this video: Check out Acromag's Signal Conditioning app notes, tech notes, and white papers: Get Acromag videos and whitepapers delivered straight to your inbox by subscribing to our free newsletter here: Learn more about Acromag and what we do in this short video:

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