*** For more Product Informations visit http://industrial.omron.us/en/products/catalogue/safety/safetysensors/safety_light_curtain/f3sg_ra/default.html
Fixed Blanking using Software Tool
1. Set dip Switch # 8 of both SW1 and SW2 on the receiver to the ON position.
2. Go on line with the light curtain.
3. Set the light curtain to factory default. If you need help with this procedure review “F3SG-RA Getting On Line and Reset to Factory Demonstration Video Using SD Manager2 Software” video.
4. Select “Fixed blanking” button under the Function Setting area of the software. This will get you into the Fixed Blanking window.
5. Select “Log In” button on the top of the window to bring up the Log In window.
6. Select Administrator radio button and enter password. If no password has been entered previously or the unit is just opened from the factory the default password is 0000. Then select the “OK’ button to close the window.
7. Select “Enable” radio button in the upper right hand corner of the window to enable Fixed Blanking.
8. Select zone number 1.
A. Setting by Manual setting if the numbers of the beams blocked are known and the object is present or not present. This also allows changing the Fixed Blanking Monitoring Function and Allowable Beam selection as well:
1. Select “Manual” radio button to enter the manual setting mode.
2. Use the pull down of the “Top Beam” and select the number for the top beam that is blocked, or use the Designate from chart option to change the beam as well.
3. Use the pull down of the “Bottom Beam” and select the number for the bottom beam that is blocked, or use the Designate from chart option to change the beam as well.
4. Select “Confirm Zone” button to save the configured settings within the software. This should then fill the number of beams selected under the Fixed Beam chart on the bottom of the main chart in yellow. If more zones are needed to be configured go to the top and select the next Blanking Zone Number and repeat steps 2 thru 4 for the next set. You have the ability to select 3 zones per light curtain.
B. Setting by Teach-in setting if the numbers of the beams blocked are unknown and the object is blocking the beams:
1. Select “Teach-in” radio button to enter the teach-in setting mode. This should activate the main chart and indicate which beams are presently blocked.
2. If everything looks good select “Confirm Zone” to save the configured settings within the software. This should then fill the number of beams selected under the Fixed Beam chart on the bottom of the main chart in yellow.
9. Select the “Fixed Blanking monitoring” option using the pull down.
a. “Lockout” (Default) light curtain output is turned off if object is removed. To reset the curtain you can turn on the reset input or cycle power.
b. “Disable monitoring” allows the object to be removed and placed back into the sensing area without tripping the output.
c. “Blanking Zone Cancellation” light curtain output is turned off if object is removed. To reset the curtain you need to cycle power.
10. Select the number of “Allowable Upper and Lower beams” by using the pull downs.
11. Select “Top page” button to go back to the main page.
12. If you used Setting by Teach-in option you will need to Select “Log In” button on the top of the window to bring up the Log In window. If you did Setting by Manual option jump to step 14.
13. Select Administrator radio button and enter password. If no password has been entered previously or the unit is just opened from the factory the default password is 0000. Then select the “OK’ button to close the window.
14. Select the “Write configuration” button to write the settings to the light curtain. This will bring up a write configuration window. To initiate the write select the “Write” button. Settings will then transfer to the light curtain.
15. To activate the light curtain you can go to the “Monitor “ button on the top of the page or cycle power to the unit.